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23 posts tagged with "cloud security"

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· One min read

A new version of the Azure provider for StackQL plus additional built-in functions are available now.

Version 0.3.0 of the Azure provider for StackQL is available now. This update includes support for extended resource properties, along with support for Hybrid Azure Kubernetes Services. The Azure provider allows you to query across your Azure estate for cloud security posture, asset inventory, analysis and reporting, finops, sysops, and more - all using a natural query language (SQL) and a natural object mapping.

In addition, we have announced the release of several new built-in functions, including SPLIT_PART() - to split a string by a delimiter and extract a single element, additional unicode functions, and expanded regular expression support, including REGEXP_REPLACE() and more.

An example StackQL query using the split_part() function with the azure v0.3.0 provider is shown here:

SELECT name,  
split_part(id, '/', 3) as subscription,
split_part(id, '/', 5) as resource_group,
json_extract(properties, '$.hardwareProfile.vmSize') as vm_size
FROM azure.compute.virtual_machines WHERE resourceGroupName = 'stackql-ops-cicd-dev-01' AND subscriptionId = '242c6a2d-16f9-4912-90f6-59b1cf85509d';

You can find more information on the latest Azure provider here.

· 5 min read

Pleased to announce the initial release of the AWS provider for StackQL.

StackQL allows you to query, provision, and manage cloud and SaaS resources using a simple, SQL-based framework.

The initial release of the AWS provider covers EC2, S3, and the Cloud Control API - with support for other services to be released soon. The documentation for the StackQL AWS provider is available here.

Follow the steps below to get started querying AWS in the StackQL interactive command shell:

Authenticate and Connect

Connect to an authenticated shell using the syntax shown below:

# AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID should be set as environment variables
AUTH="{ \"aws\": { \"type\": \"aws_signing_v4\", \"credentialsenvvar\": \"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\", \"keyID\": \"${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}\" }}"
stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"

Download the AWS provider

Download the AWS provider from the StackQL Provider Registry:

REGISTRY PULL aws v0.1.3;

Explore the AWS provider

Explore the AWS provider using StackQL metacommands (such as SHOW and DESCRIBE), for example...

Show available services

Show the services available in the StackQL AWS provider:


Show available resources

Show the resources available in the AWS EC2 service (filtered by a fuzzy match on instances):

SHOW RESOURCES IN aws.ec2 LIKE '%instances%';

Show 'selectable' fields

Show the 'selectable' fields available in a resource:

DESCRIBE EXTENDED aws.ec2.instances;

Show operations available

Show the available operations on a resource:

SHOW EXTENDED METHODS IN aws.ec2.instances;

Run some queries

Now that you've identified the available resources and fields let's run some queries!

Instances by region (across multiple regions)

SELECT 'N. Virginia' as region, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = 'us-east-1'
SELECT 'N. California' as region, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = 'us-west-1'
SELECT 'Sydney' as region, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = 'ap-southeast-2';

Instances grouped by instanceType

SELECT instanceType, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = 'ap-southeast-2'
GROUP BY instanceType;

Instances grouped by instanceState

SELECT instanceState, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = 'ap-southeast-2'
GROUP BY instanceState;


· One min read

Proud to announce the release of the Microsoft Azure provider for StackQL.

StackQL allows you to query and interact with your cloud and SaaS assets using a simple SQL framework

The StackQL provider for Azure provides key visibility across the Azure estate for CSPM, asset inventory and analysis, finops and more, as well as our IaC and ops (lifecycle management) functionality.

Created using the Autorest project using Azure specification docs from the azure-rest-api-specs repository, the StackQL azure provider exposes 230 services, 2,450 resources (of which 1,985 or 81% are available using SELECT statements) and 10,140 methods in total.

Core services are available in the azure provider, all other services are available using the azure_extras provider.

We will be adding integrated interactive authentication, for now this is cli/sdk based, all of the documentation is here.

Give it a test run and let us know what you think!

· 2 min read

Excited to announce the release of the Kubernetes provider for StackQL.

StackQL allows you to query and interact with your cloud and SaaS assets using a simple SQL framework

The k8s provider can be used to query and interact with events, namespaces, nodes, persistent volumes, pvcs, pods, services, service accounts and more.

Complete provider documentation for all of the Kubernetes resources, properties and methods is available here.

Here are the steps to get started with the Kubernetes provider:


If you are using a proxy (kubectl proxy), follow these instructions:

Using a proxy

  1. Open an interactive shell (authentication will be handled using the proxy and your .kube/config):
AUTH='{ "k8s": { "type": "null_auth" } }'
./stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"
  1. Pull the latest k8s provider for StackQL:
REGISTRY PULL k8s v0.1.1;
  1. Query away adding the following expressions to WHERE clauses in your k8s queries:
  • protocol = 'http'
  • cluster_addr = 'localhost:8080' (or whatever port your proxy is listening on)
select name, namespace, uid, creationTimestamp 
from k8s.core_v1.pod
where protocol = 'http'
and cluster_addr = 'localhost:8080'
order by name asc limit 3;

Direct cluster access

  1. Generate an access token for your cluster, see Access Clusters Using the Kubernetes API.

  2. Generate a certificate bundle for your cluster using the following code (for MacOS or Linux):

kubectl get secret -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.type==\"\")].data['ca\.crt']}" | base64 -i --decode > k8s_cert_bundle.pem

Alternatively, you could add the --tls.allowInsecure=true argument to the stackql command, it is not recommended however.

  1. Export the token to a variable and supply this as the provider authentication for StackQL:
export K8S_TOKEN='eyJhbGciOi...'
AUTH='{ "k8s": { "type": "api_key", "valuePrefix": "Bearer ", "credentialsenvvar": "K8S_TOKEN" } }'
./stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}" --tls.CABundle k8s_cert_bundle.pem
  1. Pull the latest k8s provider for StackQL:
REGISTRY PULL k8s v0.1.1;
  1. Run some queries (provide the cluster_addr as a WHERE clause parameter):
select name, namespace, uid, creationTimestamp 
from k8s.core_v1.service_account
where cluster_addr = ''
and namespace = 'kube-system'
order by name asc;

Welcome your feedback by getting in touch or raising issues at stackql/stackql-provider-registry, give us some ⭐️ love while you are there!

· 4 min read

Excited to announce the release of the Netlify provider for StackQL.

StackQL allows you to query and interact with your cloud and SaaS assets using a simple SQL framework

The netlify provider can be used to query, provision, de-provision or update sites, builds, deploys, functions, identities, domain_names and more.

Here are the steps to get started with the Netlify provider:


  1. Create a personal access token for Netlify (if you don't have one already), go to

  2. Export the token to a variable and supply this as the provider authentication for StackQL:

export NETLIFY_TOKEN=your_personal_access_token
AUTH='{ "netlify": { "type": "api_key", "valuePrefix": "Bearer ", "credentialsenvvar": "NETLIFY_TOKEN" } }'
./stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"

Install the netlify provider

  1. Pull the Netlify provider (you only need to do this the first time you use the provider or when you are updating), the following command can be run from the StackQL interactive shell (stackql shell) or using stackql exec:
registry pull netlify v0.1.0;

Show available services in netlify

  1. (Optional) Show the available services in the Netlify provider:
stackql >> show services in netlify;

| id | name | title |
| builds:v0.1.0 | builds | Netlify site builds |
| deploys:v0.1.0 | deploys | Netlify site deploys |
| user_accounts:v0.1.0 | user_accounts | Netlify user accounts |
| ... | ... | ... |

Explore resources in netlify

  1. (Optional) Explore resources in a service in the Netlify provider:
stackql  >> show resources in netlify.deploys;

| name | id |
| deploy | netlify.deploys.deploy |
| deployKey | netlify.deploys.deployKey |
| deployedBranch | netlify.deploys.deployedBranch |
  1. (Optional) List the available fields (or properties) of a resource:
stackql  >> describe netlify.deploys.deploy;

| name | type |
| id | string |
| name | string |
| url | string |
| review_id | number |
| commit_url | string |
| commit_ref | string |
| ... | ... |
  1. (Optional) Show the available methods in a resource (the stuff you can do with a resource..):
stackql  >> show methods in netlify.deploys.deploy;

| MethodName | RequiredParams |
| cancelSiteDeploy | deploy_id |
| createSiteDeploy | site_id |
| getSiteDeploy | deploy_id, site_id |
| listSiteDeploys | site_id |
| lockDeploy | deploy_id |
| ... | ... |

::: tip Methods prefixed by list and get are exposed via SELECT verbs, for example:

SELECT id, name FROM netlify.deploys.deploy
WHERE site_id = 'ad26d902-9cb1-43be-90d9-284e8c7ac687';

this query accesses the listSiteDeploys method :::

Run some queries!

  1. Run some queries...
stackql  >> SELECT created_at, name, state, branch FROM netlify.deploys.deploy
>> WHERE site_id = 'ad26d902-9cb1-43be-90d9-284e8c7ac687'
>> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 2;

| created_at | name | state | branch |
| 2022-05-04T22:46:43.015Z | stackql-io | ready | main |
| 2022-05-04T22:39:34.958Z | stackql-io | ready | feature/content-updates |

You can also use StackQL to provision resources in Netlify, the methods you saw in step 7 that are prefixed by create or insert, can be accessed using INSERT statements in StackQL, similarly methods prefixed by delete or remove can be accessed using DELETE statements.

more providers coming soon, if there is anything you are interested in specifically, get in contact and let us know.

Welcome your feedback by getting in touch or raising issues at stackql/stackql-provider-registry, give us some ⭐️ love while you are there!
