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Enable Logging for Google Cloud Storage Buckets and Analyzing Logs in Big Query (Part I)

· 3 min read

In a previous article, Deploying and Querying GCS Buckets using StackQL, we walked through some basic creation and query operations on Google Cloud Storage buckets. In this post we will extend on this by enabling logging on a GCS bucket using StackQL. This post is based upon this article: Usage logs & storage logs.

Assuming we have deployed a bucket which we want to log activities on, follow the steps below:

Step 1 : Create a bucket to store the usage logs

One bucket in a project can be used to collect the usage logs from one or more other buckets in the project. Use the StackQL Command Shell (stackql shell) or stackql exec to create this logs bucket as shown here:


for more examples of creating Google Cloud Storage buckets using StackQL, see Deploying and Querying GCS Buckets using StackQL.

Step 2: Set IAM policy for the logs bucket

You will need to create an IAM binding to enable writes to this bucket, do this by using the setIamPolicy method as shown here:

@bucket = 'stackql-download-logs'
@@json = '{
"role": "roles/storage.legacyBucketWriter",

TIP: you should also add role bindings to the roles/storage.legacyBucketOwner role for serviceAccount or users who will be running StackQL SELECT queries against this logs bucket.

Step 3: Enable logging on the target bucket

To enable logging on your target bucket (or buckets) run the following StackQL EXEC method:

@bucket = 'stackql-downloads'
@@json = '{
"logging": {
"logBucket": "stackql-download-logs",
"logObjectPrefix": "stackql_downloads"

TIP: use SHOW METHODS IN; to see what operations are avaialable such as the patch and setIamPolicy examples shown in the previous steps.

Step 4: Check logging status on target bucket

To see that logging has been enabled run the StackQL query below:

select name, logging
WHERE project = 'stackql'
and logging is not null;

To unpack the logging object, you can use the [JSON_EXTRACT]](/docs/language-spec/functions/json/json_extract) built in function as shown here:

select name, json_extract(logging, '$.logBucket') as logBucket,
json_extract(logging, '$.logObjectPrefix') as logObjectPrefix
WHERE project = 'stackql'
and logging is not null;

In Part II of this post, we will demonstrate how to create a Big Query dataset, then load and analyze the GCS usage logs you have collected using Big Query, stay tuned!