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StackQL PyPI Package is Now Available

· 2 min read
What is StackQL?

stackql is a dev tool that allows you to query and manage cloud and SaaS resources using SQL, which developers and analysts can use for CSPM, assurance, user access management reporting, IaC, XOps and more.

pystackql is now available in PyPI, and documentation for the package is available at Read the Docs. pystackql can be used with pandas, matplotlib, plotly, jupyter and more to run queries and visualize results.

The latest version of stackql for any platform can be installed using:

pip install pystackql

here is a complete example...

pystackql usage

the code used in this example is available here
from pystackql import StackQL
import pandas as pd
provider_auth = {
"aws": {
"credentialsenvvar": "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
"keyIDenvvar": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
"type": "aws_signing_v4"
regions = ["ap-southeast-2", "us-east-1"]
stackql = StackQL(auth=provider_auth)

query = """
SELECT '%s' as region, instanceType, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = '%s'
GROUP BY instanceType
SELECT '%s' as region, instanceType, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = '%s'
GROUP BY instanceType
""" % (regions[0], regions[0], regions[1], regions[1])

res = stackql.execute(query)
df = pd.read_json(res)

which returns a pandas DataFrame like the following:

  instanceType  num_instances          region
0 t2.medium 2 ap-southeast-2
1 t2.micro 7 ap-southeast-2
2 t2.small 4 ap-southeast-2
3 t2.micro 6 us-east-1

Source code for pystackql can be found at stackql/pystackql

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