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4 posts tagged with "microsoft"

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· One min read

New versions of the azure providers for stackql are available now in the stackql-provider-registry.

Summary stats for the main azure provider:

Total Services196
Total Resources4,020
Total Methods11,160

New versions of the azure_extras, azure_isv and azure_stack providers are available as well.

New services available include:

  • Microsoft Entra Verified ID
  • Database Watcher for Azure SQL
  • Azure Compute Fleet
  • Azure Edge Zones
  • Azure Standby Pools
  • Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud
  • MongoDB Atlas on Azure
  • Oracle Database Service for Azure
  • Split Feature Data Platform

Let us know what you think! ⭐ us on GitHub.

· One min read

StackQL allows you to query and interact with your cloud and SaaS assets using a simple SQL framework. Use cases include CSPM, asset inventory and analysis, finops and more, as well as our IaC and ops (lifecycle management).

Excited to announce the general availability of the latest StackQL providers for Azure. Includes expanded resource and method coverage including all of the latest Resource Manager services. The StackQL Azure provider catalog now includes:

  • azure - core Azure RM services
  • azure_extras - additional Azure services
  • azure_isv - Azure Native ISV software and services (like Databricks, Datadog, Confluent, Astro and more)
  • azure_stack - Azure Hybrid app framework

by the numbers...

ProviderTotal ServicesTotal MethodsTotal Resources

More Data Plane services like Azure Container Registry coming as well, stay tuned!

· One min read

A new version of the Azure provider for StackQL plus additional built-in functions are available now.

Version 0.3.0 of the Azure provider for StackQL is available now. This update includes support for extended resource properties, along with support for Hybrid Azure Kubernetes Services. The Azure provider allows you to query across your Azure estate for cloud security posture, asset inventory, analysis and reporting, finops, sysops, and more - all using a natural query language (SQL) and a natural object mapping.

In addition, we have announced the release of several new built-in functions, including SPLIT_PART() - to split a string by a delimiter and extract a single element, additional unicode functions, and expanded regular expression support, including REGEXP_REPLACE() and more.

An example StackQL query using the split_part() function with the azure v0.3.0 provider is shown here:

SELECT name,  
split_part(id, '/', 3) as subscription,
split_part(id, '/', 5) as resource_group,
json_extract(properties, '$.hardwareProfile.vmSize') as vm_size
FROM azure.compute.virtual_machines WHERE resourceGroupName = 'stackql-ops-cicd-dev-01' AND subscriptionId = '242c6a2d-16f9-4912-90f6-59b1cf85509d';

You can find more information on the latest Azure provider here.

· One min read

Proud to announce the release of the Microsoft Azure provider for StackQL.

StackQL allows you to query and interact with your cloud and SaaS assets using a simple SQL framework

The StackQL provider for Azure provides key visibility across the Azure estate for CSPM, asset inventory and analysis, finops and more, as well as our IaC and ops (lifecycle management) functionality.

Created using the Autorest project using Azure specification docs from the azure-rest-api-specs repository, the StackQL azure provider exposes 230 services, 2,450 resources (of which 1,985 or 81% are available using SELECT statements) and 10,140 methods in total.

Core services are available in the azure provider, all other services are available using the azure_extras provider.

We will be adding integrated interactive authentication, for now this is cli/sdk based, all of the documentation is here.

Give it a test run and let us know what you think!