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12 posts tagged with "asset management"

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· 4 min read

The GitHub provider for StackQL is now generally available. This can be used to query resources in GitHub Cloud or GitHub Enterprise, including orgs, teams, users, repositories, branches, pull requests, issues, workflows/actions and much more!

See available providers

You can see the versions of GitHub Provider (and other providers) available using:

stackql registry list

or from the StackQL Command Shell (stackql shell) using:


this would return a list of all the providers that are currently available, for example:

| provider | version |
| github | v0.1.0 |
| google | v0.1.0 |
| okta | v0.1.0 |

Pull the github provider

To pull v0.1.0 of the github provider use:

stackql registry pull github v0.1.0


REGSITRY PULL github v0.1.0;

to see what providers are installed use:


this would return something like...

| name |
| github |

Explore the github provider and query public resources

The provider and public objects can be queried without authentication as shown here:

AUTH='{"github": { "type": "null_auth" }}'
stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"

you can now enumerate services, resources, attributes and methods in the github provider using the SHOW and DESCRIBE meta commands, for instance:

show services in github from either the StackQL command shell or via stackql exec would return something like...

| id | name | title |
| actions_enterprises:v0.1.0 | actions_enterprises | GitHub v3 REST API - actions_enterprises |
| billing:v0.1.0 | billing | GitHub v3 REST API - billing |
| repos:v0.1.0 | repos | GitHub v3 REST API - repos |
| ... | ... | ... |

Use the EXTENDED operator with the SHOW or DESCRIBE commands to get additional information about services, resources, attributes and methods, e.g. DESCRIBE EXTENDED github.repos.repos

show resources in github.repos would return something like...

| name | id |
| branches | github.repos.branches |
| commits | github.repos.commits |
| deployments | github.repos.deployments |
| environments | github.repos.environments |
| forks | github.repos.forks |
| releases | github.repos.releases |
| repos | github.repos.repos |
| statistics | github.repos.statistics |
| statuses | github.repos.statuses |
| traffic | github.repos.traffic |
| ... | ... |

to see fields in a resource (which can be queried or updated) use DESCRIBE for example DESCRIBE github.repos.commits would return something like...

| name | type |
| files | array |
| stats | object |
| commit | object |
| url | string |
| html_url | string |
| parents | array |
| node_id | string |
| comments_url | string |
| committer | object |
| sha | string |
| author | object |

to see methods available in a resource use the SHOW METHODS command for example SHOW METHODS IN github.repos.commits would return something like...

| MethodName | RequiredParams |
| compare_commits | basehead, owner, repo |
| get_commit | owner, ref, repo |
| list_branches_for_head_commit | commit_sha, owner, repo |
| list_commits | owner, repo |
| list_pull_requests_associated_with_commit | commit_sha, owner, repo |

Methods beginning with list or get can usually be accessed via SELECT statements. For example,

SELECT github.repos.commits.sha 
FROM github.repos.commits
WHERE owner='${owner}' AND repo='${repo}';

Other methods can be accessed using the EXEC command (for more information see EXEC)

Query protected resources

Accessing protected resources requires authentication using a Personal Access token as shown here:

export GITHUB_CREDS=$(echo -n 'yourgithubusername:ghp_YOURPERSONALACCESSTOKEN' | base64)
AUTH='{ "github": { "type": "basic", "credentialsenvvar": "GITHUB_CREDS" } }'
stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"

Now you are able to access protected resources, for example:

select id, name, private 
from github.repos_orgs.repos_orgs
where org = 'stackql';

which would return something like...

| id | name | private |
| 443987542 | stackql | false |
| 441087132 | stackqlproviderregistry | false |
| 409393414 | | false |
| 435085734 | | true |
| 443979486 | | true |
| 447890554 | stackqldevel | true |
| ... | ... | ... |

Welcome your feedback by getting in touch or raising issues at stackql/stackql-provider-registry, ⭐️ us while you are there!

· 2 min read

Multi cloud visibility, SecOps, FinOps, DevOps made easy

Today marks a significant epoch in the evolution of the InfraQL/StackQL project. The StackQL provider registry allows contributors to add support for different providers (major cloud, alt cloud and SaaS providers) using a no-code approach. Developers simply add extensions to the providers OpenAPI spec using configuration documents (currently supporting yaml and json – with future support for toml and hcl). These extensions allow StackQL to map an ORM to provider services, resources, and methods.

For example, for a future AWS provider you could run discovery commands such as:

/* shows the available services in AWS */
/* shows the available resources in the AWS EC2 service */
DESCRIBE aws.ec2.instances;
/* show available attributes in the aws.ec2.instances resource schema */
SHOW METHODS IN aws.ec2.instances;
/* shows available lifecycle methods – such as start, stop, etc which can be involved using the EXEC command */

Or create a new EC2 instance using:

INSERT INTO aws.ec2.instances SELECT;

View and report on instances and their properties using:

SELECT col(s) FROM aws.ec2.instances WHERE;

Or clean up resources using:

DELETE FROM aws.ec2.instances WHERE;

The StackQL beta version supporting the provider registry is available for Mac (arm and amd) and Linux, with a Windows version coming in the next few weeks.

Providers are currently available for Google and Okta, see StackQL Provider Registry repo and Developer Guide. We are encouraging developers to contribute – we would be happy to assist, just raise an issue or a PR.