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Executes a provider resource method (built in procedure).

See also:
[ StackQL Resource Hierarchy ]





EXEC [ queryHint ] <multipartIdentifier>.<methodName> [ <methodArguments> ];

Query Hints

Query hints supported for the EXEC command are summarised below:

/*+ SHOWRESULTS */Returns result set, designed for methods that return data, use SELECT however if possible.
/*+ AWAIT */Makes the operation blocking (synchronous), provides script control for long running operations (e.g. mutation operations). Note: this is not supported for all providers


Stopping a Google Compute Engine instance

Run an EXEC statement to stop a running Compute Engine instance in an authenticated session.

-- Stop a running Compute Engine resource instance
EXEC google.compute.instances.stop
@instance = 'demo-instance-1',
@project = 'stackql-demo',
@zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

Starting a Google Compute Engine instance (synchronous option)

Run an EXEC statement to start a stopped Compute Engine instance in an authenticated session, uses the /*+ AWAIT */ query hint to make the operation blocking (synchronous).

-- Start a stopped Compute Engine resource instance
EXEC /*+ AWAIT */ google.compute.instances.stop
@instance = 'demo-instance-1',
@project = 'stackql-demo',
@zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

Starting and stopping an AWS EC2 instance

Run an EXEC statement to start an AWS EC2 instance in an authenticated session.

-- Start an EC2 instance
EXEC aws.ec2_native.instances.start
@InstanceId = 'i-0fc989cf4efcd8b88',
@region = 'ap-southeast-2';
-- Stop an EC2 instance
EXEC aws.ec2_native.instances.stop
@InstanceId = 'i-0fc989cf4efcd8b88',
@region = 'ap-southeast-2';

Attach a Disk to a Google Compute Engine instance

Run an EXEC statement to attach a Disk to a Compute Engine instance in an authenticated session.

-- Attach a Disk resource to a Compute Engine instance
EXEC google.compute.instances.attachDisk
"source": "projects/stackql-demo/zones/australia-southeast1-a/disks/test10gbdisk2",
"boot": false

Simulate Azure Spot VM eviction

Run an EXEC statement to simulate eviction of Azure Spot VM Instance.

exec azure.compute.virtual_machine.simulate_eviction
@subscriptionId = '0123456789',
@resourceGroupName = 'vmss-flex',
@vmName = 'vmss-flex-manual-1';