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Instructions for installing StackQL on various different platforms are provided here.


StackQL is available on MacOS via Homebrew and the pkg Installer, both ARM (M1/Apple Silicon) and AMD archtectures are supported with a single multi-arch installer.


To install via Homebrew, run the following command in your terminal:

brew install stackql

pkg Installer

StackQL is available as a signed and notarized, interactive pkg installer for MacOS which can be downloaded at latest/stackql_darwin_multiarch.pkg. Double click the pkg file and following the prompts.

StackQL MacOS pkg Installer


StackQL is available on Windows via Chocolatey and the msi Installer, x64 and x86 architectures are supported.


To install via Chocolatey, run the following command in your PowerShell or cmd terminal:

choco install stackql --version=0.3.265

msi Installer

To perform an interactive installation on Windows, you can use the signed msi installer which can be downloaded at latest/stackql_windows_amd64.msi. Double click the msi file and following the prompts.

StackQL Windows msi Installer

zip Archive

Alternatively, the Windows stackql binary can be downloaded from latest/ and placed in your PATH. The stackql binary is available for x64 and x86 architectures.


StackQL is available for all Linux distributions, simply download the StackQL Linux archive from latest/, extract the stackql binary and place it in your PATH. StackQL is available for amd based Linux architectures.

Alternatively, you could use curl as shown here:

curl -L -O \
&& unzip \
&& chmod +x stackql \
&& ./stackql --version


StackQL builds are published to DockerHub. To pull the StackQL container image, run the following command:

docker pull stackql/stackql

GitHub Actions

StackQL GitHub Actions are available for use in your GitHub Actions workflows. The following actions are available:

  • setup-stackql - Setup StackQL in your GitHub Actions workflow
  • stackql-exec - Execute StackQL commands in your GitHub Actions workflow
  • stackql-assert - Perform unit tests against IaC routines performed with any tool (Terraform, Pulumi, CDK, etc.) in your GitHub Actions workflow

pystackql Python Package

Python wrapper to use StackQL in your Python programs. The pystackql package is available on PyPi, documentation for the pystackql package is available via Read the Docs. To install the pystackql package, run the following command:

pip install pystackql

The following example shows the pystackql package used along with pandas to run StackQL queries and return the results to a pandas.DataFrame:

from pystackql import StackQL
import pandas as pd
region = "ap-southeast-2"
stackql = StackQL()

query = """
SELECT instanceType, COUNT(*) as num_instances
FROM aws.ec2.instances
WHERE region = '%s'
GROUP BY instanceType
""" % (region)

res = stackql.execute(query)
df = pd.read_json(res)