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Returns an instance or instances of a resource.

See also:
[ StackQL Resource Hierarchy ]





SELECT { * | <fieldList> } FROM { <multipartIdentifier> | <joinStatement(s)> }
WHERE <expression>
[ GROUP BY <fieldList> ]
[ HAVING <expression> ]
[ ORDER BY <fieldList> [ ASC | DESC ] ]
[ LIMIT <integer> ]
[ UNION <selectStatement> ];


Basic SELECT Statement

Run a basic SELECT statement in an authenticated session.

-- Selecting all resources deployed within a service using a basic SELECT statement
SELECT * FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

Returning specified fields using a SELECT Statement

Run a SELECT statement with a column list to return specified fields from a Compute Engine instance.

-- Selecting specified fields from a resource
SELECT id, name
FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

Return a result set ordered by a column in ascending order using the ORDER BY clause

Run a SELECT statement to return fields from the Cloud Storage buckets resource, ordering the results in ascending order (oldest first).

-- Order a list of Cloud Storage buckets by creation time (in ascending order)
SELECT name, location, timeCreated
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
ORDER BY timeCreated;

Return a result set ordered by a column in descending order using the ORDER BY clause

Run a SELECT statement to return fields from the Cloud Storage buckets resource, ordering the results in descending order (newest first).

-- Order a list of Cloud Storage buckets by creation time (in descending order)
SELECT name, location, timeCreated
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
ORDER BY timeCreated DESC;

Get the top result from a column using the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses

Run a SELECT statement to return the most recently created Cloud Storage bucket.

-- Find the most recently created bucket
SELECT name, location, timeCreated
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
ORDER BY timeCreated DESC LIMIT 1;

Use the COUNT function with the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to count resources based upon a grouping and filter

Run a SELECT statement with a COUNT function, using the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to return the number of buckets in every location other than Asia.

-- Return a count of the number of buckets in every location other than Asia
SELECT name, location, count(*) as num_buckets
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
GROUP BY location
HAVING location != 'ASIA';

For more information on the COUNT function and other aggregate functions supported by StackQL see Aggregate Functions.