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Resource Heirarchy

See also:

Objects in StackQL are represented in the following hierarchy, with an example using the Google Cloud provider shown:

StackQL Resource Heirarchy

Using the StackQL Object Notation

This hierarchy is expressed in the object notation <provider>.<service>.<resource> within the context of a given provider, an example of this object notation used in a SELECT statement is shown here:

-- Selecting all resources deployed within a service using a basic SELECT statement
SELECT * FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';
-- Selecting all resources deployed within a service using a basic SELECT statement
SELECT * FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

If a resource or service contains a period (.) in the name, use the backtick symbol (`) to encapsulate the resource name, for example:

SELECT * FROM google.container.`projects.zones.clusters.nodePools`;

Showing Services in a Provider

Services within a provider can be listed using the SHOW SERVICES command as shown here:

-- Returns all of the available services in a cloud provider

Showing Resources within a Service

Similarly resources within a service can be listed using the SHOW RESOURCES as shown here:

-- Returns all of the available resources in a cloud provider service
SHOW RESOURCES IN google.compute;

Showing Fields within a Resource

Fields within a resource can be displayed using a DESCRIBE statement as shown here:

-- Returns all of the available fields in a resource
DESCRIBE google.compute.instances;

Showing Executable Methods for a Resource

Methods available for a resource can be displayed using a SHOW METHODS command as shown here:

-- Show all of the available methods for a resource
SHOW METHODS IN google.compute.instances;