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Returns the average value of all non NULL values within a column or grouping of columns.

See also:


SELECT AVG(columnExpression) FROM <multipartIdentifier>
[ GROUP BY groupByColumn ];


A column or expression.

String and BLOB values which cannot be represented as numeric values are interpreted as 0.

At least one value from the columnExpression must be non NULL otherwise NULL is returned.

A column or columns used to perform summary or aggregate operations against. The GROUP BY clause returns one row for each column grouping.

Return Value(s)

Returns a floating point value representing the average of the columnExpression.


Return the average of a column expression over an entire resource

SELECT avg(json_array_length(disks)) as avg_disks
FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

Return the average of a column expression grouped by another column expression

SELECT tags, avg(json_array_length(disks)) as avg_disks
FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a'
GROUP BY json_extract(tags, '$.instanceType');

For more information, see