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Returns the minimum value based upon a column input or grouping of columns.

See also:


/* aggregate function */
SELECT MIN(columnExpression) FROM <multipartIdentifier>
[ GROUP BY groupByColumn ];
/* scalar (multi-argument) function */
SELECT MIN(scalarExpression1, scalarExpressionN, ...) FROM <multipartIdentifier>;


Aggregate function

A column or expression including operands (+, -, ...).

The MIN function will return the smallest value for the given column based upon the column data type, for example a MIN operation on an integer column will return the smallest integer for that column or column grouping, whereas a MIN operation on a string column or column grouping will return the smallest ASCII value (generally the first value when sorted in reverse lexographic order with some differences).

A column or columns used to perform summary or aggregate operations against. The GROUP BY clause returns one row for each column grouping.

The MIN function ignores NULL values.

The MIN function returns NULL if all the values in the group are NULL.

Scalar function

A list columns or expressions (2 or more) from which the smallest value is determined and returned.

The scalar MIN function returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

The scalar or multi-argument MIN function searches its arguments from left to right for an argument that defines a collating function and uses that collating function for all string comparisons.

If none of the arguments the scalar MIN function define a collating function, then the BINARY collating function is used.

If only one argument is provided, then the MIN aggregate function is invoked.

Return Value(s)

Returns the minimum value based upon the input data type (or grouping).


Return the minimum value for a column

SELECT name, location, min(timeCreated) 
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql';

Return the minimum value for each value in a column

SELECT name, location,
min(round(julianday('now')-julianday(timeCreated))) as age
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
GROUP BY location;

Return the minimum value from a list of values using the scalar min function

SELECT min(json_extract(disks, '$[0].diskSizeGb'),json_extract(disks, '$[1].diskSizeGb')) as smallest_disk
FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

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