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The openai provider for stackql is now available in the dev stackql provider registry. The openai provider for stackql includes services assistants, audit_logs, batch, chat, completions, embeddings, files, images, models, moderations, projects, uploads, vector_stores, and more. To get started download stackql, set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable and use the dev registry as shown here:

export DEV_REG="{ \"url\": \"\" }"
./stackql --registry="${DEV_REG}" shell

Then pull the openai provider using:


Now you can run some queries, here are a few simple examples:

stackql  >>select * from openai.models.models;
| created | id | object | owned_by |
| 1712361441 | gpt-4-turbo | model | system |
| 1712601677 | gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 | model | system |
| 1681940951 | tts-1 | model | openai-internal |
| 1699053241 | tts-1-1106 | model | system |
| 1723515131 | chatgpt-4o-latest | model | system |
| 1698798177 | dall-e-2 | model | system |
| 1677532384 | whisper-1 | model | openai-internal |
| 1706037777 | gpt-4-turbo-preview | model | system |
| 1727460443 | gpt-4o-audio-preview | model | system |
| 1692901427 | gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct | model | system |
| 1727389042 | gpt-4o-audio-preview-2024-10-01 | model | system |
| 1706037612 | gpt-4-0125-preview | model | system |
| 1706048358 | gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 | model | system |
| 1677610602 | gpt-3.5-turbo | model | openai |
| 1692634615 | babbage-002 | model | system |
| 1692634301 | davinci-002 | model | system |
| 1727131766 | gpt-4o-realtime-preview-2024-10-01 | model | system |
| 1698785189 | dall-e-3 | model | system |
| 1727659998 | gpt-4o-realtime-preview | model | system |
| 1722814719 | gpt-4o-2024-08-06 | model | system |
| 1715367049 | gpt-4o | model | system |
| 1721172741 | gpt-4o-mini | model | system |
| 1715368132 | gpt-4o-2024-05-13 | model | system |
| 1721172717 | gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 | model | system |
| 1699046015 | tts-1-hd | model | system |
| 1699053533 | tts-1-hd-1106 | model | system |
| 1698957206 | gpt-4-1106-preview | model | system |
| 1671217299 | text-embedding-ada-002 | model | openai-internal |
| 1683758102 | gpt-3.5-turbo-16k | model | openai-internal |
| 1705948997 | text-embedding-3-small | model | system |
| 1705953180 | text-embedding-3-large | model | system |
| 1698959748 | gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 | model | system |
| 1686588896 | gpt-4-0613 | model | openai |
| 1687882411 | gpt-4 | model | openai |
| 1694122472 | gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct-0914 | model | system |

here is an example of a chat completion using the provider:

stackql  >>select choices from
stackql >>where data__model = 'gpt-4o'
stackql >>and data__messages = '[{"role": "system", "content": "what is stackql?"}]';
| choices |
| [{"finish_reason":"stop","index":0,"logprobs":null,"message":{"content":"StackQL |
| is a query language designed to interact with cloud infrastructure services |
| such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and others. It allows users |
| to manage and provision resources using a SQL-like syntax, enabling familiar |
| database-style querying for cloud infrastructure management. StackQL simplifies |
| the process of interacting with APIs from various cloud providers by providing |
| a unified interface, allowing for efficient resource management and automation |
| through queries that resemble SQL statements. This can make it easier for those |
| familiar with SQL to manage cloud resources without needing to dive deep into |
| the intricacies of each provider's API.","refusal":null,"role":"assistant"}}] |

then run it again...

stackql  >>select choices from
stackql >>where data__model = 'gpt-4o'
stackql >>and data__messages = '[{"role": "system", "content": "what is stackql?"}]';
| choices |
| [{"finish_reason":"stop","index":0,"logprobs":null,"message":{"content":"StackQL |
| is a query language and platform designed to simplify the management and |
| automation of cloud infrastructure. It allows users to interact with cloud |
| services using SQL-like queries, providing a familiar and powerful interface for |
| developers and IT professionals. By abstracting the complexities of different |
| cloud providers, StackQL enables users to perform operations such as deploying, |
| configuring, and managing infrastructure resources across various cloud |
| platforms through a unified command-line interface or programmatic environment. |
| This can be particularly useful for tasks like resource provisioning, |
| monitoring, and compliance auditing, offering an efficient way to manage |
| multi-cloud environments.","refusal":null,"role":"assistant"}}] |

its stochastic of course so you will get slightly different answers each time

More to come! Let us know what you think! ⭐ us on GitHub.