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One post tagged with "costs"

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· 3 min read

Queries (particularly) repetitive queries that don't take advantage of results caching can lead to extraordinarily high bills.

StackQL, with it's backend SQL engine, allows you to query Big Query statistics in real time, including identifying queries which are not served from cache and understanding billable charges per query or time slice.

Here is a simple query to break down a time period into hours and show the total queries, queries served from cache and the total query charges per hour.

STRFTIME('%H', DATETIME(SUBSTR(JSON_EXTRACT(statistics, '$.startTime'), 1, 10), 'unixepoch')) as hour,
COUNT(*) as num_queries,
SUM(JSON_EXTRACT(statistics, '$.query.cacheHit')) as using_cache,
SUM(JSON_EXTRACT(statistics, '$.query.totalBytesBilled')*{{ .costPerByte }} ) as queryCost
WHERE projectId = '{{ .projectId }}'
AND allUsers = 'true'
AND minCreationTime = '{{ .minCreationTime }}'
AND maxCreationTime = '{{ .maxCreationTime }}'
AND state = 'DONE'
AND JSON_EXTRACT(statistics, '$.query') IS NOT null
GROUP BY STRFTIME('%H', datetime(SUBSTR(JSON_EXTRACT(statistics, '$.startTime'), 1, 10), 'unixepoch'));

Many more examples to come, including using this data to create visualisations in a Jupyter notebook, stay tuned!