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Checks if the source string matches the regular expression pattern provided.

See also:


SELECT source_string REGEXP pattern_expression AS match_result FROM <multipartIdentifier>;


The string in which to search for the pattern.

The regular expression pattern to match against the source string.

Return Value(s)

Returns a boolean value: TRUE if the source string matches the regular expression pattern, otherwise FALSE.


Check if a string contains numbers

This example demonstrates checking whether the string 'the year is 2021' contains one or more numeric characters:

SELECT 'the year is 2021' REGEXP '[0-9]+' AS match_result;

This query will return TRUE because the string contains the substring '2021', which matches the pattern [0-9]+, indicating one or more digits.

Validate email format

To check if a string is in a valid email format:

SELECT '' REGEXP '^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$' AS match_result;

This query returns TRUE, indicating that '' is formatted like a typical email address, matching the specified regular expression pattern.