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Open Source Project Activity Monitor powered by StackQL

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to self host a real-time monitoring and alerting system for GitHub open source software maintainers.

stackql is an open source tool allowing users to query and interact with cloud and SaaS resources using a SQL language and data visualization and analysis libraries and tools. us if you like this!

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OSS Monitor

Tested with embedded sql backend docker linux


When I looked for tools to monitor our open source project, I found most of them didn't work as advertised or didn't work at all (in the case of thrid part apps in GitHub), so I built our own which you could launch and use on your open source GitHub project...

The oss-activity-monitor project uses stackql to perform real-time open source project activity monitoring, this includes real time notification of:

  • ⭐ new GitHub repo stargazers
  • 👀 new GitHub repo watchers
  • 🍴 new GitHub repo forks
  • 📊 new GitHub repo issues
  • 🙋 new GitHub org followers
  • 📦 new GitHub release asset downloads
  • 🍺 new homebrew downloads

How it works

The project is deployed in a container (using docker or other container deployment platform), it is built using python and the pystackql package, using the github and homebrew providers for stackql. Materialized views and SELECT statements are used to capture and compare state between current and previous metrics for GitHub and Homebrew monitored endpoints, this is described in the diagram here:

for example, here given this materialized view created and populated using stackql:

CREATE OR REPLACE MATERIALIZED VIEW mvw_github_repo_stargazers AS 
SELECT login FROM github.activity.repo_stargazers
WHERE owner = 'your-org' and repo = 'your-repo'

the following stackql query polls GitHub for new stargazers...

SELECT c.login
FROM github.activity.repo_stargazers c
LEFT JOIN mvw_github_repo_stargazers mvw
ON c.login = mvw.login
WHERE mvw.login IS NULL
AND c.owner = 'your-org' AND c.repo = 'your-repo'

then the state is refreshed using...

REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW mvw_github_repo_stargazers

similar patterns are repeated for repo watchers, issues, org followers, release asset downloads and homebrew downloads.

Running the project

Follow the steps below to get the project up and running locally or on your preferred cloud platform.

1. Clone the repo

git clone
# or
git clone

2. Configure environment variables

The following environment variables are required to configure the project (provided using environment variables, a .env file in the example below):

VariableDescriptionExample Value
LOG_LEVELLog level (INFO for general logs; DEBUG for detailed logging)INFO
SLEEP_INTERVALTime delay in seconds between request loops5
GITHUB_REPOGitHub repository namestackql
GITHUB_REPO_OWNERGitHub organization or owner namestackql
HOMEBREW_FORMULA_NAMEHomebrew formula name, if availablestackql
STACKQL_GITHUB_USERNAMEYour GitHub usernamejeffreyaven
STACKQL_GITHUB_PASSWORDYour GitHub personal access tokenghp_yourpersonalaccesstoken
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URLSlack webhook URL for sending notifications
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URLDiscord webhook URL for sending notifications

3. Build the container

docker build --no-cache -t oss-activity-monitor .

4. Run the container

docker run --env-file .env oss-activity-monitor

thats it! You'll now get real-time alerts when there is activity on your open source project. To stop the container, use:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=oss-activity-monitor)

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