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· 2 min read

Excited to announce the release of the Kubernetes provider for StackQL.

StackQL allows you to query and interact with your cloud and SaaS assets using a simple SQL framework

The k8s provider can be used to query and interact with events, namespaces, nodes, persistent volumes, pvcs, pods, services, service accounts and more.

Complete provider documentation for all of the Kubernetes resources, properties and methods is available here.

Here are the steps to get started with the Kubernetes provider:


If you are using a proxy (kubectl proxy), follow these instructions:

Using a proxy

  1. Open an interactive shell (authentication will be handled using the proxy and your .kube/config):
AUTH='{ "k8s": { "type": "null_auth" } }'
./stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"
  1. Pull the latest k8s provider for StackQL:
REGISTRY PULL k8s v0.1.1;
  1. Query away adding the following expressions to WHERE clauses in your k8s queries:
  • protocol = 'http'
  • cluster_addr = 'localhost:8080' (or whatever port your proxy is listening on)
select name, namespace, uid, creationTimestamp 
from k8s.core_v1.pod
where protocol = 'http'
and cluster_addr = 'localhost:8080'
order by name asc limit 3;

Direct cluster access

  1. Generate an access token for your cluster, see Access Clusters Using the Kubernetes API.

  2. Generate a certificate bundle for your cluster using the following code (for MacOS or Linux):

kubectl get secret -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.type==\"\")].data['ca\.crt']}" | base64 -i --decode > k8s_cert_bundle.pem

Alternatively, you could add the --tls.allowInsecure=true argument to the stackql command, it is not recommended however.

  1. Export the token to a variable and supply this as the provider authentication for StackQL:
export K8S_TOKEN='eyJhbGciOi...'
AUTH='{ "k8s": { "type": "api_key", "valuePrefix": "Bearer ", "credentialsenvvar": "K8S_TOKEN" } }'
./stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}" --tls.CABundle k8s_cert_bundle.pem
  1. Pull the latest k8s provider for StackQL:
REGISTRY PULL k8s v0.1.1;
  1. Run some queries (provide the cluster_addr as a WHERE clause parameter):
select name, namespace, uid, creationTimestamp 
from k8s.core_v1.service_account
where cluster_addr = ''
and namespace = 'kube-system'
order by name asc;

Welcome your feedback by getting in touch or raising issues at stackql/stackql-provider-registry, give us some ⭐️ love while you are there!